is a British comedy television series that premiered on ITV in the late 1977. Produced by LWT (London Weekend Television), it is set in an adult education college in London and focuses on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Jeremy Brown, the teacher who have to deal with a variety of foreign students who understand little or no English. 3 series were made by LWT between 1977-1979, with a brief revival in 1986 with 6 of the original cast.
The show focuses on the adult students of an English foreign language class. The classes take place in the early evening and are taught by Mr Jeremy Brown. The class consists of foreign students with varying degree of English proficiently and much of the humor of the show is derived from the students misunderstanding English words, terminology or phrases and plays heavily on the culture stereotype of their individual nation of origin.
(Modified from wikipedia)
Season One, Episode 1
(The First Lesson)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season One, Episode 2
(An Inspector calls)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 3
(A Fate Worse than Death)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 4
(All Through The Night)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 5
(The Best Things in Life)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 6
(Come Back All is Forgiven)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
(All Through The Night)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 5
(The Best Things in Life)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 6
(Come Back All is Forgiven)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season One, Episode 7
(The Cheating Game)
(The Cheating Game)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season One, Episode 8
(Better to have Loved and Lost)
(Better to have Loved and Lost)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 9
(Kill or Cure)
(Part 1 of 4)
(Part 2 of 4)
(Part 3 of 4)
(Part 4 of 4)
Season One, Episode 10
(Hello Sailor)
(Hello Sailor)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season One, Episode 11
(A Point of Honour)
(A Point of Honour)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 12
(How's your Father)
Season One, Episode 13
(The Examination)(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season Two, Episode 14
(All present if not correct)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 15
(Queen for a day)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 16
(Brief Re-encounter)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 17
(Many Happy Returns)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 18
(Don't Forget the Driver)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 19
(A Hard Day's Night)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 20
(Take your Partners)
(Full Episode)
Season Two, Episode 21
(After Three)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Season Three, Episode 22
(I Belong to Glasgow)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 23
(Who Love Ya Baby)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 24
(No Flower by Request)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 25
(Just the Job)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 26
(Guilty or Not Guilty)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 27
(Repent At Leisure)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 28
(The School Fete)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 29
(What a Tangled Web)
(Full Episode)
Season One, Episode 10
The Credits
Vince Powell
Director / Executive Producer:
Stuart Allen
The Cast
--The class--
Barry Evans as Jeremy Brown (British)
Jeremy Brown is the English teacher and the main character of the series. He is hired in the pilot series and is warned that the previous teacher was driven instance by students. Mr Brown is up to the challenge and often has to put up with the student often literal interpretation of the English language.
George Camiller as Giovanni Capello (Italian)
An Italian chef, the class's loudest student and de-factor class monitor. His best friend is Max who became his flatmate later in the series. Giovanni's main problem is understanding metaphors and large words. Sometimes in conflict with Juan.
Catch-phrase:Santa Maria or Holy Ravioli. (when shocked or surprised); Okie-dokie for okay.
Jacki Harding as Anna Schmidt (German)
An au pair with an English family, she portray German efficiency and is an hard working student. Her main problem is confusing 'V's and 'W's. She is shown to have great physical strength, often punching students if they try to flirt with her.
Catch-phrases: Thank ya, Neigh, V & W e.g.: Wery good, Vanderful
Pik-Sen Lim as Chung Su-Lee (Chinese)
A Secretary at the Chinese Embassy, she is never seen without her little book by Chairman Mao, which she often quote from. Her main problem is her 'R's and 'L's. She also exhibit traits of a Chinese including reading the book backwards and walking upstage backwards. Speaks nothing but matter related to Communism.
Robert Lee as Taro Nagazumi (Japanese)
An electronic representative of a Japanese company, he has a reasonable command of English, but has a habit of adding 'o'to every word he says.. He is seldom seen without his Japanese Camera.
Catch-phrases: Ar Soh (implying A**hole), [bow when he is called to answer questions].
Adding 'o' : E.g: Thanko, Banko, etc
Jamila Massey as Jamila Ranjha (Indian)
An Indian housewife who could barely speak English when she joins the class at first. Her catch-phrase earlier in the series is Gud have-ning (Good Evening) and call Mr Brown 'Masterjee'. She is often seen knitting. Towards the later series, she becomes one of the better English speakers.
Richardo Montez as Juan Cervantes (Spanish)
A spanish bartender who is confident of his answers even thought they are completely wrong. Sometimes in conflict with Giovanni, whom he likes to call Italian Ravioli or Italian Macaroni.
Catch-phrases: Por Favor (when he doesn't understand; he makes it sound like that what's the word)
Its-so-right (sounds like sorry); Sorry wrong number (later in the series) Fell off
Albert Moss as Ranjeet Singh (Silk)
A London Underground worker from Punjab and a devoted Sikh. He generally has a good vocabulary but tend of mix up his general knowledge, and upon being corrected. He is with constant conflict with Ali while he seems to be scared of Giovanni, Max and Juan.
Catch-phrase: A thousand apologies (clasp his hands)
Francoise Pascal as Danielle Favre (French)
An French au pair who instantly grab the attention of all men. Her good looks often distract Giovanni and Max from their answers and seems to have a crush on Mr Brown. Has quite a reasonable command on the English Language. She is annoyed when Ingrid Svensson joins the class and see a rivalry between them.
Dino Shafeek as Ali Nadeem (Pakistani)
An unemployed Pakistani, he is the most vocal of the students and often literally mis-interpret everything said by others especially Mr Brown. His trade mark is his smiley face such as the one in the picture and usually combined with his catch phrases.
Catch phrases: oh blimey (british slang), yes please, squeeze me' (for excuse me), jolly good
Anna Bergman as Ingrid Svenson (Swedish)
An attractive swedish au pair who joins the class in Series 2 and 4. Her main problem with English is the word order, often getting words jumbled up. She transfers school at the end of Series 2. Has a crush on Mr Brown and often in conflict with Danielle.
Gabor Vernon as Zoltan Szabo (Hungarian)
A Hungarian Student who can speak almost no English when he joined and require a dictionary for everything. He pick up slang fairly quickly though. His typical catch phrase is 'Bochanot' (Hungarian for Sorry, excuse me) to everything said to him in English.
Kevork Malikyan
Maximillian Andrea Archimedes Papandriou [Max] (Greek)
A Greek shipping office worker often parked with Giovanni. He is attracted to Danielle but show progresses the trio to become good friends. Max tend to mis-understand metaphor and have an heavy accent which causes him to add 'H' to every word. Later in the series, he shares his flat with Giovanni.
Catch-Phrase: Hokay (after an explanation for his wrong answer)
Zara Nutley as Ms Dolores Courtney (British)
The school principal, she thinks poorly of Mr Brown in the earlier series and would often drop in unannounced into his class to check on the students progress. She believe that women can do better than men. Overtime, she grows fond of Mr Brown as well as his students.
Tomy Godfrey as Sid / Sidney (British)
The caretaker of the school. He is a London Cockney who frequently speaks in rhyming slang. His hearing is not quite good which result in frequently misunderstanding. He becomes a father figure and some of the friends of Mr Brown and the male students of the class.
Iris Sadler as Gladys (British)
The old lady in charge of the school's tea room. She is affable and friendly towards everybody and get along well with everyone. She tend of gossip and tend of reveal things before they are official announced.
And the Not-so-Main Cast
Christopher Asante as Roger Kenyon (Inspector)
(Episode 2)
Charu Bala Chokshi as Surinder
(Episode 3)
Michael Sheard as Police Sergeant
(Episode 5)
Margaret Courtenay as Ms Hardacre
(Episode 6)
David King as Ivan (Captain)
(Episode 10)
Ray Marioni as Boris
(Episode 10)
Anthony Jackson as Mr Jarvis
(Episode 11)
George A Cooper as Mr Short (Examiner)
(Episode 13)
Deirolne Costello as Mavis
(Episode 13)
John Quayle as Fforbes-Ffortescue
(Episode 15)
Jeannette Charles as Mrs Baxter
(Episode 15)
Patrick O'Connell as Albert Collins
(Episode 16)
Zohra Segal as Mrs Singh (Ranjeet's Mother)
(Episode 17)
Noel Coleman as Earl of Barclay
(Episode 18)
Russell Hunter as Jock
(Episode 22)
Ahmed Khalil as Sheilk El Hamid
(Episode 22)
Dorothea Phillips as Mrs Foster
(Episode 24)
Louise Burton as Trainee Nurse
(Episode 24)
Joy Stewart as Sister (Senior Nurse)
(Episode 24)
Robert Dorning as Mr English
(Episode 25)
Arnold Peters as Mr Wilkins
(Episode 25)
Arthur Mullard as Arthur Mullard
(Episode 28)
Gail Playfair as Rehana Nadim
(Episode 29)
Produced by:
London Weekend Television (LWT)
on Channel ITV
(I Belong to Glasgow)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 23
(Who Love Ya Baby)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 24
(No Flower by Request)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 25
(Just the Job)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 26
(Guilty or Not Guilty)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 27
(Repent At Leisure)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 28
(The School Fete)
(Full Episode)
Season Three, Episode 29
(What a Tangled Web)
(Full Episode)
Brief Description
Season One, Episode 1
The First Lesson
Jeremy Brown starts his new job as the teacher of English as a Foreign Language class and meets his students for the first time. A diverse group of ten foreign adult students in London, hailing from nine different countries. The school principal, Ms Dolores Courtney nearly dismisses Mr Brown immediately she had requested a female teacher, but he is allowed to stay on a trail basis.
Season One, Episode 2
An Inspector calls
An education inspector arrives at the school to observe the classes but
Mr Brown mistakes him for a new foreign student.
Season One, Episode 3
A Fate worse than Death
Ranjeet ask Mr Brown to help him escape an arranged marriage.
Season One, Episode 4
All Through the Night
Concerned that his students' English is not improving,
Mr Brown keeps them after class, so late that they are locked in.
Season One, Episode 5
The Best Things in Life
Jamilia is arrested for shoplifting due to her misunderstanding of the term 'free' in
promotional material. Mr Brown and his students works together to put the stolen things back.
Season One, Episode 6
Come back all is Forgiven
Ms Courtney declares that Mr Brown has not been
performing well and threatens to dismiss him.
Season One, Episode 7
The Cheating Game
The students have to sit for a mock exam. As Mr Brown's career is on the line, the
students decide to cheat in order to prove their progress.
Season One, Episode 8
Better to have Loved and Lost
Ali and Su Li announce that they are getting married but Mr Brown
discovers that Ali is already married and plans to take Su Li as his second wife.
Season One, Episode 9
Kill or Cure
Mr Brown fell sick and the students visit him in his house.
Season One, Episode 10
Season One, Episode 10
Hello Sailor
Juan brings his Russian sailor friend Boris to Mr Brown's class.
Boris explains that he wants to stay in England.
Season One, Episode 11
A Point of Honour
Danielle is harassed by Mr Jarvis, the woodwork class teacher. She tell Jarvis
that she is engaged to Mr Brown so Mr Jarvis challenges Mr Brown to a fight.
Season One, Episode 12
How's your Father
Mr Brown who was abandoned as a baby, comes to believe that Sidney might be his father.
Season One, Episode 13
The Examination
The students sit for their Lower Cambridge Certificate exam and
Mr Brown has a bad encounter with the examiner.
Season Two, Episode 14
All Present if not correct
Mr Brown has two new students Zoltan and Ingrid.
However, ten familiar faces who did not pass the exam returns.
Season Two, Episode 15
Queen for a Day
It is announced that the Queen will be visiting the school and Ms Courtney over excited about it.
Season Two, Episode 16
Brief Re-encounter
Ms Courtney is reunited with an old
boyfriend whose intention may not be pure.
Season Two, Episode 17
Many Happy Returns
Ranjeet has been saving up his money to visit his mother for her
birthday but Mr Brown loses the money and the class works to get it back.
Season Two, Episode 18
Don't Forget the Driver
Mr Brown and the students were stranded in the
countryside when their field-trip bus break down.
Season Two, Episode 19
A Hard Day's Night
Mr Brown agrees to spend the night in Giovanni and
Max's apartment while his is being painted.
Season Two, Episode 20
Take Your Partners
Ms Courtney forces Mr Brown to attend a charity dance
and he has to decide who to take along with him.
Season Two, Episode 21
After Three
The class have to prepare for the school talent show.
In the end, the class sing the show's opening theme song.
Season Three, Episode 22
I Belong to Glasgow
A new student from Glasgow joins the class and cause problems for the students
Season Three, Episode 23
Who Loves Ya Baby?
Danielle, who is an au pair, brings her boss' baby to class
Season Three, Episode 24
No Flower by Request
Mr Brown breaks his leg and is hospitalized. When Juan telephones the hospital, a
miscommunication result in Juan thinking that Mr Brown has died.
Season Three, Episode 25
Just the Job
Mr Brown is offered a new highly paid job at another school and leave immediately, only
to learn that the offer has been withdrawn.
Season Three, Episode 26
Guilty or Not Guilty
All the students are brought to court for causing mischief in public.
Ms Courtney oversees the session while Mr Brown acts as their barrister.
Season Three, Episode 27
Repent at Leisure
Anna's au pair visa is set to expire; the others decide that she will
marry Mr Brown to become a British Citizen
Season Three, Episode 28
The School Fete
The school holds a fete, and Max is held responsible for hiring
Authur Mullard, a famous actor, to open the events.
Season Three, Episode 28
What a Tangled Web
Ali suspects that his wife is having an affair, Mr Brown follows Ali's wife
and find that she is going to Ranjeet's house
The Credits
Vince Powell
Director / Executive Producer:
Stuart Allen
The Cast
--The class--
Barry Evans as Jeremy Brown (British)
Jeremy Brown is the English teacher and the main character of the series. He is hired in the pilot series and is warned that the previous teacher was driven instance by students. Mr Brown is up to the challenge and often has to put up with the student often literal interpretation of the English language.
George Camiller as Giovanni Capello (Italian)
An Italian chef, the class's loudest student and de-factor class monitor. His best friend is Max who became his flatmate later in the series. Giovanni's main problem is understanding metaphors and large words. Sometimes in conflict with Juan.
Catch-phrase:Santa Maria or Holy Ravioli. (when shocked or surprised); Okie-dokie for okay.
Jacki Harding as Anna Schmidt (German)
An au pair with an English family, she portray German efficiency and is an hard working student. Her main problem is confusing 'V's and 'W's. She is shown to have great physical strength, often punching students if they try to flirt with her.
Catch-phrases: Thank ya, Neigh, V & W e.g.: Wery good, Vanderful
Pik-Sen Lim as Chung Su-Lee (Chinese)
A Secretary at the Chinese Embassy, she is never seen without her little book by Chairman Mao, which she often quote from. Her main problem is her 'R's and 'L's. She also exhibit traits of a Chinese including reading the book backwards and walking upstage backwards. Speaks nothing but matter related to Communism.
Robert Lee as Taro Nagazumi (Japanese)
An electronic representative of a Japanese company, he has a reasonable command of English, but has a habit of adding 'o'to every word he says.. He is seldom seen without his Japanese Camera.
Catch-phrases: Ar Soh (implying A**hole), [bow when he is called to answer questions].
Adding 'o' : E.g: Thanko, Banko, etc
Jamila Massey as Jamila Ranjha (Indian)
An Indian housewife who could barely speak English when she joins the class at first. Her catch-phrase earlier in the series is Gud have-ning (Good Evening) and call Mr Brown 'Masterjee'. She is often seen knitting. Towards the later series, she becomes one of the better English speakers.
Richardo Montez as Juan Cervantes (Spanish)
A spanish bartender who is confident of his answers even thought they are completely wrong. Sometimes in conflict with Giovanni, whom he likes to call Italian Ravioli or Italian Macaroni.
Catch-phrases: Por Favor (when he doesn't understand; he makes it sound like that what's the word)
Its-so-right (sounds like sorry); Sorry wrong number (later in the series) Fell off
Albert Moss as Ranjeet Singh (Silk)
A London Underground worker from Punjab and a devoted Sikh. He generally has a good vocabulary but tend of mix up his general knowledge, and upon being corrected. He is with constant conflict with Ali while he seems to be scared of Giovanni, Max and Juan.
Catch-phrase: A thousand apologies (clasp his hands)
Francoise Pascal as Danielle Favre (French)
An French au pair who instantly grab the attention of all men. Her good looks often distract Giovanni and Max from their answers and seems to have a crush on Mr Brown. Has quite a reasonable command on the English Language. She is annoyed when Ingrid Svensson joins the class and see a rivalry between them.
Dino Shafeek as Ali Nadeem (Pakistani)
An unemployed Pakistani, he is the most vocal of the students and often literally mis-interpret everything said by others especially Mr Brown. His trade mark is his smiley face such as the one in the picture and usually combined with his catch phrases.
Catch phrases: oh blimey (british slang), yes please, squeeze me' (for excuse me), jolly good
Anna Bergman as Ingrid Svenson (Swedish)
An attractive swedish au pair who joins the class in Series 2 and 4. Her main problem with English is the word order, often getting words jumbled up. She transfers school at the end of Series 2. Has a crush on Mr Brown and often in conflict with Danielle.
Gabor Vernon as Zoltan Szabo (Hungarian)
A Hungarian Student who can speak almost no English when he joined and require a dictionary for everything. He pick up slang fairly quickly though. His typical catch phrase is 'Bochanot' (Hungarian for Sorry, excuse me) to everything said to him in English.
Kevork Malikyan
Maximillian Andrea Archimedes Papandriou [Max] (Greek)
A Greek shipping office worker often parked with Giovanni. He is attracted to Danielle but show progresses the trio to become good friends. Max tend to mis-understand metaphor and have an heavy accent which causes him to add 'H' to every word. Later in the series, he shares his flat with Giovanni.
Catch-Phrase: Hokay (after an explanation for his wrong answer)
Zara Nutley as Ms Dolores Courtney (British)
The school principal, she thinks poorly of Mr Brown in the earlier series and would often drop in unannounced into his class to check on the students progress. She believe that women can do better than men. Overtime, she grows fond of Mr Brown as well as his students.
Tomy Godfrey as Sid / Sidney (British)
The caretaker of the school. He is a London Cockney who frequently speaks in rhyming slang. His hearing is not quite good which result in frequently misunderstanding. He becomes a father figure and some of the friends of Mr Brown and the male students of the class.
Iris Sadler as Gladys (British)
The old lady in charge of the school's tea room. She is affable and friendly towards everybody and get along well with everyone. She tend of gossip and tend of reveal things before they are official announced.
And the Not-so-Main Cast
Christopher Asante as Roger Kenyon (Inspector)
(Episode 2)
Charu Bala Chokshi as Surinder
(Episode 3)
Michael Sheard as Police Sergeant
(Episode 5)
Margaret Courtenay as Ms Hardacre
(Episode 6)
David King as Ivan (Captain)
(Episode 10)
Ray Marioni as Boris
(Episode 10)
Anthony Jackson as Mr Jarvis
(Episode 11)
George A Cooper as Mr Short (Examiner)
(Episode 13)
Deirolne Costello as Mavis
(Episode 13)
John Quayle as Fforbes-Ffortescue
(Episode 15)
Jeannette Charles as Mrs Baxter
(Episode 15)
Patrick O'Connell as Albert Collins
(Episode 16)
Zohra Segal as Mrs Singh (Ranjeet's Mother)
(Episode 17)
Noel Coleman as Earl of Barclay
(Episode 18)
Russell Hunter as Jock
(Episode 22)
Ahmed Khalil as Sheilk El Hamid
(Episode 22)
Dorothea Phillips as Mrs Foster
(Episode 24)
Louise Burton as Trainee Nurse
(Episode 24)
Joy Stewart as Sister (Senior Nurse)
(Episode 24)
Robert Dorning as Mr English
(Episode 25)
Arnold Peters as Mr Wilkins
(Episode 25)
Arthur Mullard as Arthur Mullard
(Episode 28)
Gail Playfair as Rehana Nadim
(Episode 29)
Produced by:
London Weekend Television (LWT)
on Channel ITV