Thursday, November 19, 2015

What does ISIL stand for?

In light of the terrorist attacks in Paris, there are many reports that the ISIL has claimed responsibility...Wait a minute, thought it was ISIS or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in full.

How is it that it became ISIL in the recent reports and what does it stand for:

ISIL stands for Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant, where the levant refers to a large region including areas of Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Jordan, Labanon, Syria and Palestine.

As for why ISIS is changed to ISIL in reports:


Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd followed up Andrea Mitchell hammering President Barack Obama’s attempt to avoid having to follow ISIS into Syria by saying the administration is referring to the terrorist organization as ISIL instead of ISIS because they “don’t want it to stand for Syria.”


Source of quote:

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